Earn N25,000 every 5days or less through point value(PV)

By: Admin

SubAndGain offers every members a point system known as Point Value(PV). You can earn up-to 25,000Naira every 5 days through your PV.

How To Earn Up-To 25,000Naira Every 5 days through PV?

You earn 1 Point Value(PV) on any transaction you made.
If you have up-to 1000 transactions in atleat a day, this gives you 5000 Point Value in every 5days. Which will be automatically converted to N25,000 into your commission and you can withdraw it anytime you like.

This can only happen on SubAndGain.

How is point value calculated?

5000 PV = 25,000Naira and that's the minimum PV to be converted to naira.
You will be paid 25,000Naira anytime your Accumulated Point Value(PV) reaches 5000PV, 20,000PV and 50,000PV.

Must my point value reach 5000 before it can be converted to naira?

NO. If you want to convert your Point Value to naira before it reach 5000PV, you can withdraw your PV to your wallet or commission balance.

NOTE: 1PV here will be equivalent to N1, and you can only withdraw it on the 15th of each month.

This can only happen on SubAndGain.